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![]() home about/contact Digital Audio Insider is David Harrell's blog about the economics of music and other digital content. I write from the perspective of a musican who has self-released four albums with the indie rock band the Layaways. My personal website has links to my LinkedIn and Google+ pages and you can send e-mail to david [at] thelayaways [dot] com. Support If you enjoy this site, please consider downloading a Layaways track or album from iTunes, Amazon MP3, Bandcamp, or eMusic. CDs are available from CD Baby and Amazon. links music/media/tech: Analog Industries Ars Technica AppleInsider Brad Sucks Blog Broken Record Digital Music News Duke Listens Future of Music Coalition Blog Hypebot LA Times Technology Blog The ListeNerd Medialoper Mediashift MP3 Insider Music Ally Music Machinery Music Think Tank MusicTank The Music Void New Music Strategies Online Fandom Pakman's Blog RAIN Rough Type RoughlyDrafted Swindleeeee TuneTuzer Virtual Economics economics/markets: The Big Picture Core Economics Freakonomics The Long Tail Marginal Revolution The Undercover Economist mp3/music: 17 Dots 3hive Fingertips Shake Your Fist Sounds Like the 80s Unleash the Love archives January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 August 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 June 2013 August 2013 February 2014 March 2014 September 2014 December 2014 March 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 October 2016 May 2017 |
May 31, 2006 Politics and Playlistsby David Harrell Politics and Playlists Last week, Slate's Jacob Weisberg analyzed the reported iPod contents and favorite songs of Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and George Bush. He also ran them through Pandora for additional analysis and music recommendations for each of them: Hillary, it seems, likes "basic rock song structures," "repetitive melodic phrasing," and "extensive vamping." Pandora predicts she would enjoy various '60s girl groups and '70s soul singers: Gladys Knight and the Pips, Carla Thomas, and the Velvelettes. The service can be a bit uncanny. One of its first recommendations on the Hillary station I created was "Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do," by Betty Wright, a feminist-minded '70s soul artist. This was followed by Barbra Streisand's rendition of David Bowie's "Life on Mars," a deeply unfortunate recording, but one somehow indicative of the present predicament of the Democratic Party.Thanks to Porter for the link. tags: iPod Pandora link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 25, 2006 The Rise of eMusicby David Harrell The Rise of eMusic ARS Technica has an in-depth story on eMusic, with quotes from president David Pakman and some details on the subscription base: As a private firm, eMusic doesn't break out its financial information, but it's clear that its subscription model is working. In the 18 months since the relaunch, the company has clawed its way to the #2 position among digital download services (this does not include streaming music). Pakman claims that eMusic has 12 percent of the market compared to Apple's 61 percent, and that his company has now sold more than 60 million songs. Since eMusic does not sell individual downloads but only monthly subscriptions, its members download a lot of music when compared to iTunes, for instance. As Pakman puts it, "An iTunes customer downloads one song a month, on average; an eMusic customer downloads 20 songs a month, on average."Thanks to Joseph B. for the link. tags: eMusic iTunes link 1 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 18, 2006 Hi-Fi iPod?by David Harrell Hi-Fi iPod? This Wired story gives the lowdown on how to boost the audio quality from an iPod, with a link to this 2003 Stereophile piece that compares audio quality for various bit rates: The iPod offers such an embarrassment of choices regarding file storage and playback that I had to begin by discarding quite a few of them as irrelevant to a discussion of its fidelity. That's not to say that 96kbps MP3 and AAC, for example, aren't useful space-saving options; simply that they represent sonic compromises most readers of this magazine wouldn't tolerate even while jogging...My prediction: As storage capicity on the iPod and other players increases, don't be surprised if the record companies try to get consumers to once again upgrade their music collections, this time with a second generation of digital downloads. tags: iPod link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 16, 2006 Chris Isaak Bonus Tracksby David Harrell Chris Isaak Bonus Tracks Last month, I noticed that quite a few iTunes customers weren't happy about the $12.99 version of the new Flaming Lips disc. It has three bonus tracks not available on the $9.99 version, though -- as shown by the customer reviews -- many folks didn't see the cheaper version. There's also an iTunes "bonus version" of the new Chris Isaak "Best of" collection, with a 20-track version going for $13.99 and an 18-track version selling for $11.99. As with the Flaming Lips album, the bonus tracks are "album only" purchases and NOT available on the CD release, so the only way to legally obtain them is to buy the pricier iTunes version of the album. As one customer points out, this tactic seems to punish the artist's most-loyal fans: ...for we fans who already own all the songs that were on previous albums, it's kind of mean to make two of the special acoustic tracks available as Album Only, meaning we have to buy the whole $13.99 album (not the old $9.99 standard, nor the cheaper $11.99 version of this record just to get them. The other new songs we can buy for 99 cents so no biggie there. Hey, at least the old songs are remastered (like it makes a difference on the lower-fi 128kb-encoded AAC tracks that iTMS sells anyway). The CD is cheaper at $12.99, but doesn't have the last two acoustic tracks. It might be appropriate to say Arrrgh!tags: iTunes link 1 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 15, 2006 Download Arbitrage with eMusicby David Harrell Download Arbitrage with eMusic There's an arbitrage opportunity available to eMusic subscribers, albeit one that violates the subscription agreement (and is probably illegal to boot). After a lunchtime conversation with co-workers that concluded with memories of a bad cover band with a repertoire of exactly three songs, my friend Randy remarked that he would like to download one third of the band's set -- "The Girl From Ipanema" as sung by Astrud Gilberto on the Getz/Gilberto album. I told him the track was probably available from eMusic. Randy, who just canceled his eMusic subscription, then speculated that I probably had a few unused downloads for the month that I might be willing to, uh, share. No problem, I said, provided he was willing to pay a slight markup over my cost... In theory, a 40-downloads-a-month eMusic subscriber is paying just under 25 cents a track, so selling one of those downloads to a non-subscriber for 75 cents yields a healthy return. For the buyer, it's cheaper than a single download from iTunes, plus the eMusic download is an mp3 that can be played on virtually any portable player, with no DRM to hamper the file. And you can get your eMusic cost-per-track down to around 22 cents by opting for a 90-a-month plan or pre-paying for a year with eMusic. I'd bet there are at least a few folks out there who are informally "sharing" an eMusic subscription with a friend, though I doubt anyone's gone so far as to follow the plan outlined above. If you want really cheap downloads you've always got the option of the different file sharing systems and it seems like a lot of hassle to make a half a buck a song by setting up your own download service to sell tracks to your friends. Still, this scheme would give artists and record companies the same revenue they're currently receiving via eMusic sales and it would provide customers who might want the occasional eMusic track access to service without having to pay for an ongoing subscription. And unlike an all-you-can-eat restaurant, where the restaurant's bottom line would be destroyed by diners "sharing" a meal, from an accounting standpoint eMusic is indifferent to whether or not a subscriber maxes out each month. That's because eMusic pays a set percentage of its subscription revenue each month, so the amount paid to record companies artists is the same no matter now many tracks each subscriber downloads in a given month. (More details here.) Though it would hurt the bottom line of everyone involved if it ultimately resulted in fewer eMusic subscriptions. tags: eMusic iTunes link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 12, 2006 The Good Old Days of CDs?by David Harrell The Good Old Days of CDs? Kelefa Sanneh's NY Times piece on the new Tool album has lots of comments on the listening experience for CDs vs. mp3s and single-song downloads: CD's and films both rely on captive audiences; you've paid your money, so you'll sit still until the end. By contrast MP3's are more like television shows than films: they have to keep you entertained, or you'll click over to something else. If the last track on "10,000 Days" -- it's called "Viginti Tres," and it's essentially five minutes of digital groans and sighs -- were available as a free download on the Tool site, even hard-core fans probably wouldn't bother with it. Sometimes it's easier to pay attention once you've paid money.tags: iTunes mp3 link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 11, 2006 The Economics of the Music Industry Lectureby David Harrell The Economics of the Music Industry Lecture Terry Fisher, Harvard Law professor and the director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, spoke at the Economics of Open Content Symposium at MIT back in February. You can download an mp3 of his lecture here. It starts slow (with the inevitable PowerPoint problems at the beginning of the talk...) but it's definitely worth a listen. Fisher covers material from his book Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment, including his proposed Alternative Compensation System (link to a PDF of the book chapter). There are, however, a few things that I think Fisher is overlooking, which I'll try to support with some hard data in an upcoming post. link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet May 04, 2006 Bargains at eMusic and a Royalty Quandaryby David Harrell One quirk at eMusic, as covered in a previous post, is the lack of an "album price." All individual songs count the same toward a subscriber's monthly allotment, regardless of the number of tracks on an album or song length. This business model leads to some interesting pricing trends and anomalies. One is example is jazz. As a genre, it's relatively cheap, because many classic, full-length albums consist of only four to six separate tracks. My bandmate Porter is an enthusiastic eMusic subscriber and often forwards the outrageous eMusic "bargains" he finds to me. He recently spotted a couple of the best non-jazz examples yet: Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven -- godspeed you! black emperor This is a double-album of just four songs, with a total time of 87 minutes and 23 seconds, yet it counts as only four downloads. (The album is currently #3 on eMusic's monthly download chart, no doubt helped by its super-low price.) Absolutego - Special Low Frequency Version -- Boris Here you have a two-track album that lasts 73 minutes and 25 seconds, with the bulk of that coming from a single, hour+ track. You can't "buy" these albums from eMusic -- you can only download the tracks via a monthly subscription. But assuming that a 40-a-month-for-$9.99 subscriber uses all of his or her monthly allotment, you can create a table of "album prices" for various releases on eMusic. The eMusic download prices are all lower than the cost of the corresponding new CD, but they certainly don't correlate with the prices for a new disc, as the cheapest eMusic album on this list has the highest price: Album "Price" for $9.99 a Month eMusic Subscriber, New CD at
(The Kinks disc isn't currently stocked by, though the site does list a "club price" of $9.99 for a new disc. There's also a "new" copy listed by an individual for $8.99 with the comment "New, Only Transferred To My MP3 Player...") What I don't know is how eMusic treats these album-length songs in terms of payments to labels and artists. The eMusic per-song payout rate varies each month (more details here). But as far as I can tell, there's no allowance for song length -- we've received eMusic payments for our two discs within the same month for songs ranging from 52 seconds to 5:18 in length and the payout amount has been the same for each. If eMusic is indeed paying the same per-song rate for these album-length tracks, I have no idea how major labels are then handling the payments of mechanical royalties to publishers and songwriters and artist royalties to performers. According to the latest required rates for mechanical royalties, Boris's single 65 minute song would require a mechanical royalty payment of $1.14 to the composer/publisher, in addition to any artist royalties paid. Which is six times the latest eMusic payout that I've seen (19 cents per download). So something else must be going on -- no label is going to pay out more than it receives from eMusic to artists and publishers. It's not uncommon for a recording contract to stipulate a cap the maximum amount of mechanical royalties paid for a specific album, though the examples I've seen our based on a maximum number of songs for mechanical royalties, not a total per song. Another possibility is that unlike iTunes sales, where the label pays the standard mechanical royalty rate and a reduced artist royalty, perhaps labels are treating eMusic income differently. Because eMusic revenue is technically coming from subscriptions, not per-song or per-album sales, maybe this distinction allows for different treatment of subsequent payments for mechanical and artist royalties. If anyone reading has any specific knowledge about how the major labels treat mechanical and artist royalties for downloads from eMusic of these super-long tracks (or even just in general), please post a comment or send me an e-mail. I'd love to solve this little mystery. tags: iTunes eMusic link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet More Digital Audio Insider: Newer Posts Older Posts |
Subscribe: ![]() Add this blog to, Digg, or Furl. Follow David Harrell on Google+. The Digital Audio Insider Twitter feed: Digital music jobs: Looking to hire? Looking for a job? Check out the digital audio insider job board. Popular Posts A Long Tail Experiment By the Numbers: Using Statistics to Quantify Audience Devotion Owes Me Sixty Cents An Interview with Jonathan Segel of Camper Van Beethoven Price Elasticity of Demand for McCartney Sony and eMusic: What I Missed The Digital Pricing Conundrum series: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four THE LAYAWAYS Out Now -- "Maybe Next Year" -- The New Holiday Album: "This is a sweet treat, deliciously musical without being overbaked for mass media consumption." -- Hyperbolium "Perfect listening to accompany whatever holiday preparations you may be making today." -- Bag of Songs O Christmas Tree - free mp3 lyrics and song details Away In A Manger - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or Bandcamp. Listen to free streams at ![]() "...about as melodic and hooky as indie pop can get." -- Absolute Powerpop "Their laid-back, '60s era sounds are absolutely delightening." -- 3hive "...melodic, garage-influenced shoegaze." -- RCRD LBL Where The Conversation Ends - free mp3 January - free mp3 Keep It To Yourself - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or CD Baby, stream it at or Napster. ![]() "The Layaways make fine indie pop. Hushed vocals interweave with understated buzzing guitars. The whole LP is a revelation from the start." -- Lost Music "Catchy Guided by Voices-like rockers who lay it on sweetly and sincerely, just like Lionel Richie." -- WRUV Radio Silence - free mp3 lyrics and song details The Long Night - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. ![]() "These are songs that you want to take home with you, curl up with, hold them close -- and pray that they are still with you when you wake up." -- The Big Takeover Let Me In - free mp3 Ocean Blue - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. More Layaways downloads: the layaways website |