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![]() home about/contact Digital Audio Insider is David Harrell's blog about the economics of music and other digital content. I write from the perspective of a musican who has self-released four albums with the indie rock band the Layaways. My personal website has links to my LinkedIn and Google+ pages and you can send e-mail to david [at] thelayaways [dot] com. Support If you enjoy this site, please consider downloading a Layaways track or album from iTunes, Amazon MP3, Bandcamp, or eMusic. CDs are available from CD Baby and Amazon. links music/media/tech: Analog Industries Ars Technica AppleInsider Brad Sucks Blog Broken Record Digital Music News Duke Listens Future of Music Coalition Blog Hypebot LA Times Technology Blog The ListeNerd Medialoper Mediashift MP3 Insider Music Ally Music Machinery Music Think Tank MusicTank The Music Void New Music Strategies Online Fandom Pakman's Blog RAIN Rough Type RoughlyDrafted Swindleeeee TuneTuzer Virtual Economics economics/markets: The Big Picture Core Economics Freakonomics The Long Tail Marginal Revolution The Undercover Economist mp3/music: 17 Dots 3hive Fingertips Shake Your Fist Sounds Like the 80s Unleash the Love archives January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 August 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 June 2013 August 2013 February 2014 March 2014 September 2014 December 2014 March 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 October 2016 May 2017 |
October 30, 2008 One More Dayby David Harrell ![]() No, I'm not counting down the hours to Halloween, but tomorrow is the day that will release the first accounting reports for its artist royalty program. I'm certainly not expecting a big payday, as we just recently passed the 2,000 listener mark in our stats. Also, the per-song minimums spelled out in's FAQ about the program are quite low: - If your track is played on our free radio service you will accrue a 10% of the Share of's Net Revenue (see the definition of "Share" and "Net Revenue" in the terms and conditions) from the free radio service.The minimum rates above are obviously less than the penny-per-stream rates that some services have been paying for free streams. However, in's defense, a penny-per-stream isn't a viable business model for ad-supported music (at least not banner ads). As Lucas Gonze noted back in June, you'd need a ten-fold increase in current CPM ad rates to support a penny-per-stream payout. Look for follow-up post next week, after I've had a chance to digest the first report. tags: digital music ad-supported music link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet October 28, 2008 Napster -- the Best Digital Payout?by David Harrell A few Napster mp3 sales just showed up in our CD Baby account. What's interesting is that we received 85.8 cents a track. And that's AFTER CD Baby took its 9% cut, which suggests that Napster is paying out 94.3 cents a track. Perhaps it's an accounting mistake -- it seems unlikely that Napster can come close to breaking even on a 99-cent sale! (Apple's iTunes and the MP3 store both pay distributors and labels 70 cents for 99-cent downloads...) UPDATE: It just occurred to me that these may be international sales, for more than 99 cents in U.S. dollars. CD Baby doesn't indicate where each digital sale is coming from, unless it's from a specific iTunes store. tags: digital music Napster iTunes MP3 CD Baby link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet October 17, 2008 Trading CDs for iPods, Literallyby David Harrell I found an interesting ad in the current issue of the Big Takeover: NYC-based iPodMeister trades new iPods for used CDs and DVDs. And, in exchange for additional CDs, iPodMeister will rip the discs, load the tracks onto the iPod, and send back-up DVDs: ![]() The back-up option probably violates a strict "fair use" interpretation of copyright law (that is, you're not supposed to retain copies of CDs you no longer own...), so I'm wondering how long it can continue before the RIAA sends a letter of some sort. Also, the per-disc cash equivelent is relatively low. For example, a new 8 GB iPod Nano currently sells for $139.94 at, which means iPodMeister is essentially paying 93 cents for each used disc with its current iPod Nano offer (or 70 cents per disc if you opt for file back-up and loading). You might do better taking a box of discs down to the local used CD shop. However, it's still an enticing offer, and it's pretty much hassle free -- iPodMeister will even pay for UPS shipping. We moved two years ago and the bulk of my CD collection is still languishing in boxes in the basement, so I can see the appeal of directly converting something that's sitting unused into a shiny new iPod. Unfortunately, it's not a way for self-released musicians to turn unsold stock into a new iPod: We usually only accept one CD per title, i.e. we do NOT accept a dozen unsold, shrink wrapped CDs of a local bar band.tags: digital music used CDs iPod iPodMeister link 3 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet October 15, 2008 The MP3 Debateby David Harrell My apologies for a post that is completely off-topic, though it is somewhat topical... Terry Teachout's piece in Saturday's Wall Street Journal about the release of some 1908 recordings by presidential candidates William Jennings Bryan and William Howard Taft (and tonight's presidential debate) got me thinking about one of the first things I ever listened to on my iPod -- the four 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debates. They're available for free download as mp3 files at and are definitely worth a listen for anyone with a passing interest in politics or U.S. history. While much of the content of the 1960 debates seems completely modern, there are some interesting anachronisms. For example, I never knew that the number of hydro-electric damns in the United States, relative to the number in the Soviet Union, was such a hot political topic. And though it's been a couple years since I listened to all four debates, I'm pretty certain that Kennedy made at least one reference to "colored" children when discussing public education. The Wikipedia entry for the 1960 election expands on the conventional wisdom about the debates (Kennedy looked good on television and Nixon didn't, so television viewers thought Kennedy won, while radio listeners thought it a draw or a win for Nixon), noting that political observers gave Kennedy the nod for the first debate, Nixon the edge for the second and third debates, and the fourth debate was considered a tie. When I listened to them, I didn't perceive a significant advantage for either candidate -- certainly no knock-out blows. Regardless, they're a fascinating listen and not a bad way to fill your morning commute for a week or so. UPDATE: If you arrived at this page looking for an mp3 of the third Obama-McCain debate, you can download it here from NPR. tags: mp3 presidential debates 1960 election link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet More Digital Audio Insider: Newer Posts Older Posts |
Subscribe: ![]() Add this blog to, Digg, or Furl. Follow David Harrell on Google+. The Digital Audio Insider Twitter feed: Digital music jobs: Looking to hire? Looking for a job? Check out the digital audio insider job board. Popular Posts A Long Tail Experiment By the Numbers: Using Statistics to Quantify Audience Devotion Owes Me Sixty Cents An Interview with Jonathan Segel of Camper Van Beethoven Price Elasticity of Demand for McCartney Sony and eMusic: What I Missed The Digital Pricing Conundrum series: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four THE LAYAWAYS Out Now -- "Maybe Next Year" -- The New Holiday Album: "This is a sweet treat, deliciously musical without being overbaked for mass media consumption." -- Hyperbolium "Perfect listening to accompany whatever holiday preparations you may be making today." -- Bag of Songs O Christmas Tree - free mp3 lyrics and song details Away In A Manger - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or Bandcamp. Listen to free streams at ![]() "...about as melodic and hooky as indie pop can get." -- Absolute Powerpop "Their laid-back, '60s era sounds are absolutely delightening." -- 3hive "...melodic, garage-influenced shoegaze." -- RCRD LBL Where The Conversation Ends - free mp3 January - free mp3 Keep It To Yourself - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or CD Baby, stream it at or Napster. ![]() "The Layaways make fine indie pop. Hushed vocals interweave with understated buzzing guitars. The whole LP is a revelation from the start." -- Lost Music "Catchy Guided by Voices-like rockers who lay it on sweetly and sincerely, just like Lionel Richie." -- WRUV Radio Silence - free mp3 lyrics and song details The Long Night - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. ![]() "These are songs that you want to take home with you, curl up with, hold them close -- and pray that they are still with you when you wake up." -- The Big Takeover Let Me In - free mp3 Ocean Blue - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. More Layaways downloads: the layaways website |