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![]() home about/contact Digital Audio Insider is David Harrell's blog about the economics of music and other digital content. I write from the perspective of a musican who has self-released four albums with the indie rock band the Layaways. My personal website has links to my LinkedIn and Google+ pages and you can send e-mail to david [at] thelayaways [dot] com. Support If you enjoy this site, please consider downloading a Layaways track or album from iTunes, Amazon MP3, Bandcamp, or eMusic. CDs are available from CD Baby and Amazon. links music/media/tech: Analog Industries Ars Technica AppleInsider Brad Sucks Blog Broken Record Digital Music News Duke Listens Future of Music Coalition Blog Hypebot LA Times Technology Blog The ListeNerd Medialoper Mediashift MP3 Insider Music Ally Music Machinery Music Think Tank MusicTank The Music Void New Music Strategies Online Fandom Pakman's Blog RAIN Rough Type RoughlyDrafted Swindleeeee TuneTuzer Virtual Economics economics/markets: The Big Picture Core Economics Freakonomics The Long Tail Marginal Revolution The Undercover Economist mp3/music: 17 Dots 3hive Fingertips Shake Your Fist Sounds Like the 80s Unleash the Love archives January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 August 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 June 2013 August 2013 February 2014 March 2014 September 2014 December 2014 March 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 October 2016 May 2017 |
June 27, 2008 The Long Flat Tailby David Harrell Chris Anderson points to an in-depth look at the Long Tail concept by Anita Elberse of Harvard Business School. Elberse touches on one of my pet themes -- that the ease of online distribution for virtually any piece of recorded music is resulting in increasingly fierce competition for the attention (and dollars) of listeners -- and provides some stats that spell out the improbability of meaningful digital sales for most "long tail" musicians: My research suggests that the tail is long and flat, and therefore that content providers will find it hard to profit much from it. It remains to be seen whether the new media environment will indeed make many previously unprofitable niche products profitable. Online channels lower the barriers to market entry for such products, and thus introduce the possibility of additional sales -- but they also lead to a flood of products all competing for consumers' attention. In my most recent correspondence with managers at Nielsen SoundScan, I learned that of the 3.9 million digital tracks sold in 2007 (the large majority for 99 cents each through Apple iTunes), an astonishing 24% sold only one copy, and 91% -- 3.6 million tracks -- sold fewer than 100 copies.related: The Flat Tail, Even More Content, The Long Tail, the Fat Middle, and Tiny Slices tags: digital music the long tail iTunes sales link 1 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 25, 2008 Wednesday Odds and Endsby David Harrell Jason Kottke wishes he could pre-order Amazon MP3 albums. Not sure why you can't -- it's an option for some albums in the iTunes store. Maybe it has to do with the availability of bonus content -- you usually get something extra (bonus tracks or videos) if you pre-order an iTunes release. Amazon does allow the pre-ordering of CDs before the release date. An updated speakers list for the Bandwidth Conference includes Alexandra Patsavas from Chop Shop Music Supervision (Grey's Anatomy, The O.C., Gossip Girl, etc.) And on a related note, in his list of measuring sticks for music success, Bob Lefsetz doesn't mention the lucrative option of licensing tracks for T.V. or films. But he's definitely not fond of up-and-coming acts selling their songs for commercials: As for developing acts... You don't have an identity yet. You'll be forever linked with the brand. Feist...isn't she the iPod girl? It can be a shortcut to success, but can also damage your long term career. You get notoriety and... Well, sometimes you don't even get that notoriety. The blip tends to be momentary... Hell, how many commercials can you remember from three months ago?I won't say that there aren't downsides, but my guess is that Feist doesn't regret that ad. tags: digital music MP3 iTunes Store music licensing link 1 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 24, 2008 How We Listenby David Harrell Nick Carr's recent Atlantic article on how technology has changed the way readers read (and writers write) got me thinking again about how digital music and portable devices have altered music listening habits. Then I stumbled across this great post on the eMusic blog about the ups and downs of the National. While the post is more about the idea of artist longevity and the time it takes to develop an audience, the reader comments include some excellent thoughts on how digital music (and the ever-expanding amount of available content) is affecting their listening habits: I've been wondering if the digital download model isn't killing music in a much different way than what RIAA is worried about. There's still plenty of money to be made, especially in selling concert tickets and merchandise, but people just have so many options of music to listen to. This is one of the things I love about emusic but at the same time it can be occasionally frustrating; there's just so much music! (Particularly relevant to me tonight because I've been backing up some things to clear a little space on my hard drive.) And I don’t even do any of the file sharing stuff; I get almost all my music from emusic. But If I think back to the time when I was getting really hooked on certain bands, I was purchasing probably 1-2 albums a month; where now I get 10-15 albums, plus all the free stuff...and don't get me wrong it's great, but sometimes I feel I lack the time to really get to know a particular piece.It's partially my age -- I have less time these days to stay on top of everything, but even if I could devote all of my waking hours to music consumption, my guess is that I'd still feel like I was drowning. Is there an official name for this sort of feeling? If not, I'm proposing "content fatigue." Or maybe Richard Saul Wurman already covered it with "Information Anxiety." A suggestion to Mr. Wurman: if you ever update the book, add a chapter about digital music. tags: digital music content fatigue information anxiety link 4 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 17, 2008 Tuesday Odds and Endsby David Harrell If you were wondering how was going to handle 10-cent credit card transactions -- it won't. I just did the 79-cent upgrade from a "web song" to an mp3 file (for the lead-off track on this album) and saw the following message: About your Lala walletAnd makes its daily and weekly mp3 album specials official -- here's the press release: In celebration of Coldplay's new album, "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends," available on Amazon MP3 for just $8.99, this week's "Daily Deals" will be their preceding albums. "X&Y" will be available today for $1.99, "A Rush of Blood to the Head" will be available on Wednesday for $1.99, "Parachutes" will be available on Thursday for $1.99 and "Brothers and Sisters" will be offered on Friday for 99 cents. Past Daily Deals have included Madonna's "Hard Candy" at $3.99, Led Zeppelin's "Mothership" at $4.99 and Weezer's "Pinkerton" at $1.99.I'll write more in a later post, but I'm convinced that Amazon's long-term mp3 pricing goal -- for the bulk of its catalog -- is $5 digital albums. tags: digital music MP3 AMZN link 3 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 11, 2008 The Bargain Bumpby David Harrell ![]() When MP3 began running its daily "blue light special," I assumed it would feature older, back-catalog titles. But some of the bargain albums are recent, big-name releases -- today it's Madonna's Hard Candy album for $3.99. I'd love to find out exactly what kind of bounce is getting with these daily specials, though it seems pretty clear that the reduced price is moving some additional units: As of this afternoon, the album is #7 on Amazon's top mp3 albums chart, but it's only in the #50 spot over at the iTunes store... UPDATE: As of Thursday morning, it's #1, and still priced at $3.99. related: Amazon's Blue Light MP3 Special tags: digital music MP3 digital music pricing link 0 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 09, 2008 The Nuge Priceby David Harrell Given his arsenal and hunting prowess, I'm reluctant to speak ill of Ted Nugent. But I'm puzzled by the pricing for his god-awful "I Am the NRA" song -- $1.99 for a 128k mp3. Perhaps some of that money is going to the organization he's singing about, but there's no mention of that on Ted's site. Or maybe Ted's just paying a fortune in credit card transaction fees, necessitating the 2X iTunes pricing for the direct-sold mp3. (The song isn't available in the iTunes store or Amazon MP3.) Yet at that price, you'd think Ted could break out a higher-quality sound file. Pricing aside, I'm glad to see Ted's calling attention to one the country's most underappreciated groups -- welders: At over four million members, the NRA's ranks are composed of teachers, cops, farmers, lawyers, welders, hero military veterans and at least one gonzo guitar player who is not afraid to speak his mind and stand up for what he believes in. NRA members believe it is our responsibility as Americans to participate in this experiment in self-government.Via Listening Post. tags: digital music Ted Nugent mp3 pricing link 2 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet June 06, 2008 Authors On Tour?by David Harrell Economist Paul Krugman on the Kindle and e-books: It's a good enough package that my guess is that digital readers will soon become common, perhaps even the usual way we read books.Krugman's probably right that widespread usage of digital readers will lead to decreased prices, and if P2P distribution of digital books takes off, only a minority of book downloads will be paid for. But I think he's a bit too optimistic about the "Grateful Dead" business model for books. If there's a digital revolution for books and an accompanying switch to unpaid content, it seems likely that the traditional publishing industry would be even more screwed than the music industry. With music, there's already an established tradition and audience for live music performance, which obviously pre-dated recorded music -- and the associated merchandising of T-shirts, posters, etc. Plus, the licensing of music for film, television, advertising, and video games is becoming increasingly lucrative for labels and musicians. Yet I just don't see the same opportunities for publishers and authors to find alternate income streams. Very few -- in any -- authors could sell out an auditorium for a live reading, let alone attract a paying club-sized audience. And it's hard to think of any licensing opportunities for book content that would be as lucrative as music licensing. tags: Kindle e-books digital media link 2 comments e-mail listen to the Layaways on Spotify Follow @digitalaudio Tweet More Digital Audio Insider: Newer Posts Older Posts |
Subscribe: ![]() Add this blog to, Digg, or Furl. Follow David Harrell on Google+. The Digital Audio Insider Twitter feed: Digital music jobs: Looking to hire? Looking for a job? Check out the digital audio insider job board. Popular Posts A Long Tail Experiment By the Numbers: Using Statistics to Quantify Audience Devotion Owes Me Sixty Cents An Interview with Jonathan Segel of Camper Van Beethoven Price Elasticity of Demand for McCartney Sony and eMusic: What I Missed The Digital Pricing Conundrum series: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four THE LAYAWAYS Out Now -- "Maybe Next Year" -- The New Holiday Album: "This is a sweet treat, deliciously musical without being overbaked for mass media consumption." -- Hyperbolium "Perfect listening to accompany whatever holiday preparations you may be making today." -- Bag of Songs O Christmas Tree - free mp3 lyrics and song details Away In A Manger - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or Bandcamp. Listen to free streams at ![]() "...about as melodic and hooky as indie pop can get." -- Absolute Powerpop "Their laid-back, '60s era sounds are absolutely delightening." -- 3hive "...melodic, garage-influenced shoegaze." -- RCRD LBL Where The Conversation Ends - free mp3 January - free mp3 Keep It To Yourself - free mp3 Download from eMusic, iTunes, Amazon MP3, or CD Baby, stream it at or Napster. ![]() "The Layaways make fine indie pop. Hushed vocals interweave with understated buzzing guitars. The whole LP is a revelation from the start." -- Lost Music "Catchy Guided by Voices-like rockers who lay it on sweetly and sincerely, just like Lionel Richie." -- WRUV Radio Silence - free mp3 lyrics and song details The Long Night - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. ![]() "These are songs that you want to take home with you, curl up with, hold them close -- and pray that they are still with you when you wake up." -- The Big Takeover Let Me In - free mp3 Ocean Blue - free mp3 Download from eMusic, Amazon MP3, or iTunes, stream it at, Napster, or Rhapsody. More Layaways downloads: the layaways website |